Good Quote / Bill of Rights
Well while surfing the net when I should have been writing fireworks support letters I came across a good quote -
"The Christian Right are neither" - Moby
Plus I read something that made me think... Why the hell are we putting the Ten Commandments up in the courthouses? There was a better suggestion. Screw the commandments... They do not belong in our courthouses anyways - better yet lets put the Bill of Rights up where the Commandments used to be. It seems Americans need reminding of what they are, and remember the only way to keep them is for fighting for them, and I do not mean fighting in the wonderful "war of choice" in Iraq.
"The Christian Right are neither" - Moby
Plus I read something that made me think... Why the hell are we putting the Ten Commandments up in the courthouses? There was a better suggestion. Screw the commandments... They do not belong in our courthouses anyways - better yet lets put the Bill of Rights up where the Commandments used to be. It seems Americans need reminding of what they are, and remember the only way to keep them is for fighting for them, and I do not mean fighting in the wonderful "war of choice" in Iraq.